PI1LAP telnet dx.packet-radio.nl 7300

Data In and Out on PI1LAP:
Bytes in 15855448138
Bytes out 5012958553

Users and Nodes On PI1LAP:
Users 1
Nodes 9

Total on the Cluster Network:
Users 4817
Nodes 407

Total HF and VHF Spots:
HF Spots 677162
VHF Spots 147720

Total proccessed Spots:
Total Spots 824882

Uptime DXspider:
1315Z PI1LAP-1 uptime: 96d 9h 14m

Uptime Core system:
up 1 year, 16 weeks, 3 days, 22 hours, 37 minutes

Users Connected to PI1LAP: